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Are you passionate about trees and gardening and ready to learn more about the remarkable maple?


Joining your local branch of the Maple Society provides a wealth of great benefits along with opportunities to meet others who share a similar passion and admiration of all things Acer!
Membership is open to any individual, organization, professional grower or retailer, collector, enthusiast, or researcher with an interest in the purposes of The InternationalMaple Society.


Scroll down to learn more...



The International Maple Society encompasses gardening passion at every level—from those who grow a few ornamental maples in containers, gardening enthusiasts, Japanese maple collectors, and bonsai practitioners, to owners of display gardens and arboretums, and members of the scientific community.


Whether you’ve only just discovered how amazing the Acer genus can be, or you’re someone whose passion has been growing for years, The International Maple Society will encourage your passion, inspire your garden, enlighten your mind, and delight your tree-loving spirit.

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Over 120 species of maple grow wild throughout Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. No other tree genus offers the diversity and scope found among its numerous species and cultivars. The variations in size, form, bark, foliage, flowers, and autumnal colors are abundant and breathtakingly profound.


As one of the foundational missions of The International Maple Society, we are passionate about increasing the public’s awareness of maples. We welcome discussion, promote education, and share information via an informative quarterly newsletter, local garden tours, online talks by guest speakers, regular meetings, and an international symposium.



The Maple Society brings together a warm community of fellow maple enthusiasts who share a passion for trees, gardening, and all things Acer. We love to meet up, learn more, share what we know or have, and support others.


Membership is open to any individual, organization, professional grower or retailer, collector, enthusiast or researcher with an interest in the purposes of the International Maple Society.

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Benefits of Membership

  • Access to the Society’s unmatched cultivar database, with over 4,000 Japanese Maple cultivars and many species maple cultivars.

  • A high quality, full color, quarterly newsletter containing information on maples in cultivation and in the wild, to which members are welcome to contribute articles of interest, news, views, problems. Articles include: the latest on the Society activities, news on the latest cultivar introductions, scientific discoveries about species, conservation news, and much more—along with access to over 30 years of newsletters in our archive.

  • Regular events including symposia, meetings, and workshops by leading authorities in various languages.

  • An opportunity to participate in the Society’s vaunted Seed Exchange program, which lets you grow difficult to find Japanese Maples and other maple seeds.

  • Opportunities to join exclusive international events, which tour the great gardens and nurseries of the world with expert guides.

  • Access to international language-local Zoom classes, including access to previously recorded events.

  • Tri-annual International Symposiums.

  • Potential to submit articles to our newsletter.

  • An opt-in list of members willing to share their gardens with you, offer support, advice, and camaraderie... or just get together to talk about maples!

Become a Member

Membership in the Maple Society begins at the regional level. Please choose your region to be transferred to the corresponding website:​

Other region(s) coming soon!

where the world comes together to talk maples

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