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Literatura para Acer

Bibliografía seleccionada
  • ​Arces del mundo, Timber Press, 1994. Por DM van Gelderen, PC de Jong, HJ Oterdoom.

  • Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, St. Martin's Press, Nueva York, 1981. Por WJ Bean, octava edición, 4 vols.,

  • New Trees, Real Jardín Botánico, Kew, 2009. Por John Grimshaw y Ross Bayton.

  • Una guía ilustrada de arces, Timber Press, 2003. Por Antoine le Hardy de Beaulieu.

  • Arces para jardines, Timber Press, 1999. Por CJ van Gelderen y DM van Gelderen.

  • Libro para arces, Japan Publishing Group, 2003. Masayoshi Yano.

  • Guía del jardinero para el cultivo de arces, Timber Press, 2000. Por James GS Harris.

  • Ahorne, Ulmer, 1994. Por Helmut Pirc (en alemán). También disponible en francés, traducido por Pascale Adeline.

  • Árboles paisajísticos de América del Norte, Tenspeed Press, 1996. Por Arthur Lee Jacobson.

  • Enciclopedia de árboles y arbustos de Dirr, Timber Press, 2011. Por Michael A. Dirr.

  • Flora de China (en línea)

  • Trees and Shrubs Online (IDS) es una versión en línea y actualizada de Bean (1981).

  • Flora de Pakistán (en línea )

Perfiles de Acer por Peter Gregory

Los artículos que se enumeran a continuación se publicaron originalmente en el boletín Maple Society. Incluyen descripciones detalladas de especies de arces preparadas por Peter Gregory. Las versiones italiana, francesa y polaca disponibles para algunas de las especies se enumeran junto a los originales.

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Flowering and sex expression in Acer L., a biosystematic study, de Jong, 1976


Leaf size, sapling allometry, and Corner's rules: Phylogeny and correlated evolution in maples (Acer), Ackerly & Donoghue, 1998

Phylogenetic relationships of maples (Acer L.; Aceraceae) implied by nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences, Suh et al., 1998

Flood-tolerance ranking of red and Freeman maple cultivars, Anella  &  Whitlow, 1999

Phylogeny of Aceraceae based on ITS and trnL-F data sets, Tian et al., 2000

Worldwide Maple Diversity, Piet C. de Jong, 2002 (Originally published in The Proceedings of The International Maple Symposium, 2002. This is the first ever digital edition of this important and frequently referenced paper, which updated the Acer classification presented by de Jong in Maples of the World in 1996, and remains pertinent today.)


Culture and propagation of Japanese maples, Phillips, Virginia Polytechnic, 2003

Sex change towards female in dying Acer rufinerve trees, Nanami et al., 2004


A nuclear ribosomal DNA phylogeny of Acer inferred with maximum likelihood, splits graphs and motif analysis of 606 sequences, Grimm et al., 2006

The evolution of dioecy, heterodichogamy, and labile sex expression in Acer, Renner et al., 2007

Phylgenetics of Acer (Aceroideae, Sapindaceae) based on nucleotide sequences of two chloroplast non-coding regions, Li et al., 2008

Maples of Europe Part I, Banaszczak, 2010

Maples of Europe Part II, Banaszczak, 2010

Phylogeny and circumscription of Sapindaceae revisited: molecular sequence data, morphology and biogeography support recognition of a new family, Xanthoceraceae, Buerki et al., 2010

Acer acuminatilobum J. Papp (1958) Matra-ancient maple, Bartha et al., 2011


A reappraisal of the Acer wilsonii complex and related species in China, Eom et al., 2011

Remnant sugar maple (Acer saccharum subsp. skutchii) populations at their range edge: Characteristics, environmental constraints and conservation implications in tropical America, Vargas-Rodriguez & Platt, 2012

The Evolution of the Reproductive Organs of Maples; Analyses of Morphology and Flowering in Light of the Phylogeny of the Genus, P.C. de Jong, 2014. (This lecture originally presented in 2014 at the International Maple Symposium at the Morris Arboretum, considers both the evolution of maple flowers and fruit and the often conflicting ramifications of molecular studies of Acer, following the author’s seminal 2002 classification in Worldwide Maple Diversity.)


Some things you probably didn’t know about bootstrap, Morrison, 2014 (This blog entry is useful in understanding some of the statistical issues in phylogenetic analysis).

The Colchic region as refuge for relict tree lineages: Cryptic speciation in field maples, Grimm & Denk, 2014


Evolutionary history of a widespread tree species Acer mono in East Asia, Guo et al., 2014

Gene expressing and sRNA sequencing show that gene differentiation associates with a yellow Acer palmatum mutant leaf in different light conditions, Li et al., 2015

Large scale patterns of genetic variation and differentiation in sugar maple from tropical Central America to temperate North America, Vargas-Rodriguez et al., 2015

Flower development of different genders in the morphologically andromonoecious but functionally monoecious plant Acer elegantulum Fang et P. L. Chiu, Luo et al., 2017

Acer binzayedii (Sapindaceae), a new maple species from Mexico, Vargas-Rodriguez et al., 2017

Maple phylogeny and biogeography inferred from phylogenomic data, Li et al., 2019

Model maples, Grossman, 2020

Taxonomy and phylogenetic insights for Mexican and Central American species of Acer (Sapindaceae), Vargas-Rodriguez et al., 2020


Genome-wide supermatrix analysis of maples (Acer: Sapindaceae) reveal recurring inter-continental migration, mass extinction, and rapid lineage divergence, Areces-Berazain et al., 2021

Evidence of constrained divergence and conservatism in climatic niches of the temperate maples (Acer L.),

Grossman, 2021

Strategies of tolerance reflected in two North American maple genomes, McEvoy et al., 2021

Genetic variation of the relict maple Acer miyabei: uncovering its history of disjunct occurrence and the role of mountain refugia in shaping genetic diversity, Saeki et al., 2021

Observed and predicted geographic distribution of Acer monspessulanum L. using the MaxEnt model in the context of climate change, Aouinti et al., 2022


Climate change influences foliar nutrition and metabolism of red maple (Acer rubrum) trees in a northern hardwood forest, Blagden et al., 2022

Exposure to strong irradiance exacerbates photoinhibition and suppresses N resorption during leaf senescence in shade-grown seedlings of fullmoon maple (Acer japonicum), Kitao et al., 2022

Rapid mixed forest encroachment and the expansion of red maple (Acer rubrum) in a peatland: a dendroecological and paleoecological approach, Lavoie et al., 2022

Integrated conservation of Acer yangbiense: A case study for conservation methods of plant species with extremely small populations, Yang et al., 2022

Genetic structure and trait variation within a maple hybrid zone underscore North China as an overlooked diversity hotspot, Yang et al., 2022

A northward range shift of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in Eastern Canada should reduce soil carbon storage, with no effect on carbon stability, Boilard et al., 2023

Indicators of adaptability of representatives of the genus Acer in an urban environment, Chernyavskaya et al., 2023

Mechanisms involved in alien maples (Acer sp.) invasion process in the Central Europe. Testing hypotheses associated with species fitness, Ferus, 2023

Distributional responses to climate change of two maple species in southern China, Liu et al., 2023

Integrative transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis reveals the molecular mechanism of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) leaf coloring, Luo et al., 2023

Transcriptome profiling, physiological, and biochemical analyses provide new insights towards drought stress response in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) saplings, Mulozi et al., 2023

Screening for drought resistance among ornamental maples (Acer sp.). A field experiment in juvenile plants, Oravec et al., 2023

Postglacial establishment and expansion of marginal populations of sugar maple in western Québec, Canada: Palynological detection and interactions with fire, climate and successional processes, Paillard et al., 2023

Continental-wide population genetics and post-Pleistocene range expansion in field maple (Acer campestre L.), a subdominant temperate broadleaved tree species, Wahlsteen et al., 2023

Plasticity plays a dominant role in regulating the phenological variations of sugar maple populations in Canada, Xiali et al., 2023

Integrated conservation of Acer yangbiense: A case study for conservation methods of plant species with extremely small populations, Yang et al., 2023

Patterns of leaf and fruit morphological variation in marginal populations of Acer tataricum L. subsp. tataricum, Poljak et al., 2024

Maple samara flight is robust to morphological perturbation and united by a classic drag model, Schaeffer et al., 2024

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